1. Provide the Most Comprehensive Education and Content On Flagpoles and Flags:
AtlanticFlagpole.com has one overall purpose: To help you make the most educated decision on the best flagpole for your home or business. We realize that purchasing a flagpole can be confusing and -at times- frustrating. Therefore, we will always strive to provide the latest information and content on Flagpoles and accessories.
No other site has the depth of resources and helpful, free content that AtlanticFlagpole.com provides to its visitors. We want our visitors to find value in our site even if they do not make a purchase.
2. Be Trustworthy:
We know that trust must be earned. We work hard every day to make sure that we provide trustworthy and accurate information about the products that we sell. Whether it is a flagpole or a quick release bracket, you can trust us to provide the highest quality product at the best price combined with unmatched service.
We also make sure that your personal and financial information are protected. Our shopping cart uses the latest SSL (Secure Socket Layer), SHA-256 Encryption via PayPal which is the most secure payment gateway available.
3. Deliver A Product of Exceptional Quality:
AtlanticFlagpole.com sells top of the line best-selling and proudly All American Made telescoping Phoenix Flagpoles, Mountain Series Commercial Grade Flagpoles, flagpole lights, flags and accessories. We will only sell products that are high performance, trusted, durable and backed by a comprehensive warranty policy.
The dedicated customer service we provide at AtlanticFlagpole.com is also a large part of our "product." We are committed to helping you understand the latest technologies, features and capabilities of current Flagpoles. With all of the new technologies and features on the latest Flagpoles, it can get very confusing. Many of our customers spend weeks online trying to make sense of it all!
Anyone can sell Flagpoles; it's the AtlanticFlagpole.com purchase experience that keeps our customers coming back and referring us to their friends.
4. Be Reliable:
It’s in our best interest to make sure that our customers get what they want, when they want it. We have spent a lot of time, energy and resources to ensure that our customers can rely on AtlanticFlagpole.com. Everything from our easy, secure checkout process, to fulfillment, shipment and other logistics are geared towards achieving satisfied customers. We're extremely proud of our verified customer reviews and we hope that they demonstrate our commitment to doing what we say.
At the end of the day, AtlanticFlagpole.com promises to deliver the latest, brand new (never refurbished), products to your door. If your product is damaged during shipping or is faulty upon delivery, we will replace it immediately. We also have a no-hassle, 30 return policy and our exclusive industry leading 365 day satisfaction guarantee on our Phoenix Flag Pole. Please read our Return Policy for more information
Are we perfect? No. Will we ever be perfect? Probably not. But we are committed to getting as close to perfect as humanly and technically possible.
5. Be Brutally Honest:
It’s extremely important for us to manage the expectations of our customers because a flag pole is a significant investment no matter who you are. If we do not carry a product that is right for you, we will tell you so. If you need more help than we can provide, we will tell you so. If you want to purchase a product that may not be appropriate for you, we will tell you so.
Ultimately, we want to help you choose the flag pole that fits your needs; not necessarily the product that you think you want. In the end, you are the customer and what you say goes but you can count on us to provide honest feedback and guidance as you consider your options.
6. Provide Fair, Reasonable Prices:
We believe that goodwill and commerce can work together in harmony. Helping people and making a reasonable profit don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Our customers deserve a high quality product at a reasonable price and we deserve a fair margin for the hard work that we do to deliver it.
7. Be Responsive:
For most of our customers, time spent with family at home, at camp or RV-ing is precious. America, Liberty, Patriotism, and spending time with family and friends is your passion. That's why our customers deserve timely responses. Our goal is to respond to any customer questions or concerns within 24 hours (hopefully a lot sooner!)
8. Protect The Environment and The Wilderness:
We believe in protecting the environment and sustaining wildlife so that future generations will be able to enjoy nature as much as we do. We hunt and fish, raise chickens and garden sustain-ably; but we also feel strongly that humane treatment and minimizing suffering for all animals should be a priority. This is part of what defines true outdoor living.
9. Be Good Global Citizens:
We are committed to helping Feed America and its quest to end hunger for children in need. It’s not about charity, it’s about justice. We're also committed to the Operation Underground Railroad for those who have put their lives on the line in order to stop the trade of innocent children, women and men in sex trafficking and slavery. Everyone should have a cause and these are ours.
10. Be Good Patriots:
If our fellow Americans suffer economically, so do we. That’s why we always try to sell American products, made in the USA. We do not outsource customer service from other countries to save money...and we never will.
Thanks for Reading!

Mike Carlson - Owner, AtlanticFlagpole.com