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As the perfect addition to your Phoenix Flagpole, this handpainted Gold Eagle Flagpole Topper is made of aircraft grade aluminum, just like your Pheonix Flagpole. Mounted atop an aluminum gold ball ornament that can be used along with our solar lights, this best-selling Gold Eagle Topper is sure to shine proudly, symbolizing the strength, beauty and freedom of our great country, the United States of America.
This Gold Eagle Flagpole Topper normally retails for $119.98 but because you snagged our special offer on our Skip Bedell Phoenix Flagpole Bundle, we want to offer you this amazing piece of American Craftsmanship at a special one-time only price of
If you leave this page now, you will NEVER see this offer again! Don't miss out on this exclusive one-time offer!
24-Hour Team Spirit Sale! Save 25% on Chiefs & Eagles flags for the next 24 HOURS! Or Take 10% off all other sports flags! TODAY ONLY! - Use code MYTEAM for 25% off Chiefs & Eagles or TEAMSPIRIT for 10% off Sports Flags - Go HERE NOW!